Day 20 (Wednesday) Germany to LA

Frankfurt, Germany to Los Angeles!

Woke around 7 in the hopes that we could be on the road by ~7:45. It was after 8, unfortunately.
Stopped by a post box on the walk to the parking garage.
Stopped at a gas station to fill the tank before returning the car.
Returned the car and had to take a train to the correct terminal. Everything is overly complicated at the Frankfurt airport.
Passport check took a long time.

Flight was fine, but everyone seemed to be coughing, sneezing, and sniffling.
Some person was playing a phone game with the audio on loudly while everyone was trying to sleep.
Luggage return took SO LONG.
Crazy crowds, but we were able to coordinate pickup with Gary.
Nice not to have to drive, but the way home felt like it took forever.
We woke Biz when all three of us burst through the door and started excitedly giving him scritches. He was befuddled for a few minutes, but soon was moving from person to person to get love. He barely let us out of his sight the rest of the night.
Unfortunately, Sylvia and I both tested positive for covid.

(barely any steps)