Day 01 (Friday) Germany

Los Angeles to Munich, Germany

The journey started the same way it ended: with a ride to the airport in our minivan, courtesy of our friend, Gary. We had some time to kill, so grabbed some food and generally just hanging out.

Vix ate a salad. Consider this the first OF MANY pictures of our meals. Food played a major role in our travels, as it should.

While still at LAX, Vix took a walk-up CPR test. This could come in handy on our trip.

Arrive in Munich (MUC) airport ~2pm

Took a S8 train from the airport into the city center. Encountered a ~20 minute delay due to an accident elsewhere on the track. The humidity is high here and the train quite stifling.

Checked into Novahotel Munich City 

Walked around Munich for a bit, checking things out. Walked to Viktualienmarkt, then ate dinner at Yuzumuk for sushi and ramen, then walked to Rathaus-Glockenspiel/Mareinplatz and went to third floor of bookstore Hugendubel to get a different look at the clock across the plaza. Because a web site told us to.

Not pictured: Sylvia got an ice cream (that she didn’t like)

Back to the hotel, checked the pool and found it too crowded. 

Asleep by 9-10pm

(14,557 steps)