Day 07 (Thursday) Austria

Vienna, Austria with Attila!

Breakfast at the hotel.

Planning to go for a walk around the south side of the city center, hitting sightseeing locals: Karlsplatz, Secession Museum, and Rathauplatz

Tried to pick up Attila, but his train was delayed, so we went back to the hotel and immediately heard from him that he was in. Drove back to the train station to pick him up.

Returned to the hotel to check in Attila, then ate a snack/lunch there.
Went to Schönbrunn Palace

Then swim

I grabbed a whiskey sour to take back to the room. Talked to the bartender who was from Maryland originally, but had recently acquired his dual citizenship from Ireland. Now works anywhere in the EU.

Then rest.

Italian dinner at Il Cavalluccio. I had a Tagliolino al tartufo nero (taglioni noodles with black truffle), Sylvia had lamb chops, and Attila had salmon. The waitress recommended a nice fruity white wine to go with my noodles. Perfect.

Then off to Café Sacher Wien. The woman at the door said that we’d have to wait as we were three, but let us squeeze into a small table for two. Our waitress was great! Has worked there 14 years and about to holiday in Dublin. She brought us our ordered our Sacher Torte and a recommended Apple Strudel AND she brought us a chocolate “taco” with raspberry filling, which she gave to us as them were new and she couldn’t vouch for them.

Returned to the hotel bar for another whiskey sour and Sylvia had a peach tea that was good.

Back to the room for sleep.

(28,522 steps)