Day 09 (Saturday) Austria

Klagenfurt, Austria

Had breakfast at the hotel. Used an espresso cup for a cappuccino. Similar spread as we’ve seen elsewhere- all very good, but less “upscale” due to volume. This is a big place. Looks to be a summer vacation destination for European families. That said, despite the large number of families, the actual volume is contained. If this were a US hotel, the sounds of screaming, running, and general chaos would be high.

Walked over to Minimudus, an attraction featuring small versions of major architecture from around the world. Among them, buildings we’d seen in the past few days (including St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna and the Uhrturm Tower in Graz), and some that we would be seeing soon (like the nearby Hochosterwitz Castle, which we’d visit later in the day). There were plenty of movement in the models, too, from working model trains and cranes to the spinning propeller and billowing smokestacks of the mid-sinking Titanic. We also spotted a hornet’s nest disguised in a similarly colored archway window of the Vatican. A coincident, no doubt.

After, we drove out to Hochosterwitz Castle (through more showers). Despite needing to squeeze down to the overflow parking, there were relatively few people there. We walked up, then took the funicular down.

Drove back (Waze keeps overriding my route!), then navigated into old town to look for a place to eat lunch. Ate at a place called Old Lemon Tree. Sylvia had a homemade noodle dish with chanterelles and orange zest while I had a peach risotto. The place was charming. The chef was singing opera. Finished the meal with a cheesecake with banana and Cointreau and a couple cappuccino.

After dinner we walked around Klegenfurt for a bit for some window shopping. Sylvia found a shop that had a necklace and logo that were exactly like necklaces she’d made. We saw some cool statues and clothing stores.

Went back to room to rest, but explored the hotel a little, first. Near the indoor pool area we discovered a model of the hotel itself.

Call with Vix

Mario’s for dinner- margarita pizza, beer, fish, and a salad.

Along the walk to the restaurant, Sylvia found a 500 Hungarian Forint. What a score! Looked it up. It was worth $1.38 USD.

Back to the room to figure out tomorrow’s drive (and the following days. Many hours of driving ahead!)

(16,235 steps)